Back from Boston

The national astrology conference (NCGR, for National Council for Geocosmic Research) in Boston was  big success. My definition of success, here, not the organizers, though i’m sure they’d check the same box but for different reasons. Success, to me,...

Venus’ Transmutation: Tiger loses his roar

I’m honored that my recent article for the Mountain Astrologer Blog site was responded to so well. This week’s article is by TMA’s online editor, Mary Plumb, who took inspiration from mine in crafting hers. Her piece bridges my theoretical template...

Gate is Opened

A looooong overdue post here. Thanks to everyone who’s been writing to ask about my blog (or lack thereof) since August! And welcome to the new subscribs…hope i don’t bore you too much. GREAT news:  for the first time, my 7-year and running research,...

New Venus Journey begins

Title: New Venus Journey begins (more…) Location: Eastern horizon before sunrise Link out: Click here Description: Welcome to the new Venus Journey in Aries! Each Venus Journey is the grand cycle of feminine development within us personally and collectively....

Mars Journeys

Maybe I’ve been working with the Mars Journey too long – though I’m not sure such a thing is possible in this Goddess-infused universe, but…..may i suggest visitors to this blog NOT MISS the upcoming Jan 31 – this Saturday – Mars...