Founder of Soulsign
“I did not come to teach you. I came to love you. Love will teach you.” ~ Unknown

Adam facilitates individuals and groups at the leading edge of human inner transformation.

He created Soulsign to empower a profound support system from the three intelligences he works from: the Living Astrological Sky, our Open Heart Experience and our Soul’s Breath. Together as a continuum, they merge our innate intelligence, timeless wisdom and dynamic creative minds to be our every moment. Adam’s work is an invitation to courageously embrace our full-spectrum humanity:  light and dark, Identity and Essence, temporal and infinite.

Adam has been recognized around the world for his research and dedication to educate astrologers to bring the Living Sky back into modern chart work.

Since 2002 he has brought thousands of people into a direct experience of the vastness of their Soul inside their tangible, empowered sense of Self. His devotion to authentic presence and practical life experience — rooted in the somatic intelligence of the Human Heart — manifest through his impeccable skill and genuine kindness.

Click here to watch some videos of interviews and teachings with Adam.


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

“Real fearlessness is the product of tenderness. It comes from letting the world tickle your heart, your raw and beautiful heart. You are willing to open up, without resistance or shyness, and face the world. You are willing to share your heart with others.”

~ Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

“The way of tenderness is an experiential, non-intellectual, heartfelt acknowledgment of all embodied difference. It is a flexibility of perception, rather than a settling into belief.”

~ Zenju Earthlyn Manuel


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Knowledge gathers wood and flint and gut. Wisdom conjures a cranky playable fiddle from the gatherings. People who have been bathed in grief and a love for life play some small magnificence on those fiddles together, and sing their unknown songs, and make human culture.”

~ Stephen Jenkinson


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

“The Soul’s Desire is always to experience itself through its material Identity, while the aspiration of Identity is to realize itself as Soul. They are as two lovers locked together, moving differently to the same song.”

~Adam Gainsburg


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"A life truly lived constantly burns away veils of illusion, burns away what is no longer relevant, gradually reveals our essence, until, at last, we are strong enough to stand in our naked truth."

~ Marion Woodman


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

“We live in a kind of a dark age, craftily lit with synthetic light, so that no one can tell how dark it has really gotten. But our exiled spirits can tell. Deep in our bones resides an ancient singing couple who just won't give up making their beautiful, wild noise. The world won't end if we can find them."

~ Martin Prechtel


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”

~ Martha Graham


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

“Thought will fuck you up. See, it's heart not head.”

~ Bob Dylan


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all. When there’s a big disappointment, we don’t know if that’s the end of the story. It may just be the beginning of a great adventure. Life is like that. We don’t know anything. We call something bad; we call it good. But really we just don’t know.”

~ Pema Chödrön

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