Session types

There are three disciplines or paths in Soulsign: 
Astrology, Heart  &  Breath.
Soulsign founder, Adam Gainsburg, is exceptionally skilled at facilitating you into your greater fullness while always maintaining a powerful container of Love and safety.
In all of his work, Adam is committed to the ancient principle,
“The greatest power requires the lightest touch.”


chart & sky session

Adam is at the leading edge of today’s renaissance in Sky-centered astrology. He has formulated methods to synergize your birth chart with your birth sky, something quite rare in today’s astrological marketplace. Adam weaves together your natal Chart and Sky, invoking a vast library of information about you only possible through this powerful combination. Your Chart & Sky Session will weave the deeper psychospiritual and evolutionary symbols of your birth Chart with the “living ancient wisdom” in your birth Sky. Each session delivers a vibrant experience and deep understanding of your Soul’s evolutionary Desire, the original divine intention for your life. By blending your natal chart’s meanings with the crucial Sky Factors of your planets – like brightness, Earth Proximity and speed, Adam is able to speak to those areas of your life you have questions about at multiple levels of awareness. The integration of these sky factors into your birth chart dramatically expands your ability to know and live your individual karmic/dharmic blueprint. Adam encourages coming into the session with questions or areas of concern as well as requests for support in greater creativity, fulfillment and fun!

feminine~masculine inner marriage session

Less an astrology ‘reading’ and more an alchemical experience, the Inner Marriage session unites your inner feminine and inner masculine within a safe, intimate environment as revealed by your astrological birth chart. Adam is excellent at distilling very deep levels of consciousness into language you can understand and work with over time. He explains the natal conditions of your femininity and masculinity, interpreting both the chart and the sky at the moment of your birth. He looks at many factors, including relevant asteroids and midpoints, in addition to the primary symbols of our femininity and masculinity: Venus and Mars. Inner Marriage sessions usually begin with a deeper conversation in which questions can be asked and explored, without a habitual  grasping for easy answers. Inner Marriage clients have shared their appreciation for the ‘big space’ Adam holds. This session culminates in a ceremony or ritual of sorts in which you are guided in marrying, in your own unique manner, the masculine and feminine within you. 

chiron wholeness session

Chiron Wholeness explores your astrological Chiron through the lens of Adam’s four stage map of Chironic initiation. This map has become widely respected in the astrological community. It describes each crucial stage of uncovering and somaticizing the cellular wisdom we each carry deep within our sacred heart. This wisdom is a precious and vital gift to others which requires great courage to own and act upon. It’s who we are in a profound sense and our whole-self response to life’s changes in perfect measure and timing to the circumstances and people we encounter in our lives.  In your session, Adam will dive into each step of your Chiron map at birth, including progressions and transits currently active for you.   **This session is especially supportive for those who have experienced or are experiencing a breaking-open of the heart, often accompanied by raw tenderness, loneliness and/or a sense of losing control or being un-moored. Though uncomfortable and unsettling, these experiences ready us for the next step in our evolution: increased intimacy and collaboration between our ego and our Essence (Soul).

I wish to extend my gratitude for the reading Adam did with me some months ago now. I have come to deeply understand what you said to be true…. Deep thanks for this info and the reading overall. Impactful especially over time. Many blessings,” ~anonymous 


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"It is rare that a book delivers experientially on the promise of its title, but this book achieves that sublime goal. Rather than just taking in material intellectually, I felt my heart open deeply with Gainburg's tenderly penetrating treatment. He offers deep wisdom humbly, respecting his reader's wisdom, and in this he feels near, connected empathically, as he writes. Very grateful for this work."
~ Amazon book review, Chiron: The Wisdom of a Deeply Open Heart


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"It is difficult to language how important the recent astrology session I had with Adam Gainsburg was to my evolution and spiritual growth. As a longtime student of astrology who has had many readings over the years, I was amazed at the depth of vital energy inside me that was released, transformed, and made available to me as I move forward in these challenging times. I felt seen, heard, and acknowledged for the being that I am. Such an interaction is priceless."
~ Jane Mottl, Santa Fe, NM


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"I have to say (1) I loved your interview/report with Amanda at astrology hub! Wow! And (2) that I had strong resistance and disbelief about Adam’s idea of embodied technology - huge resistance. And then THIS showed up this morning from the Humanities research group I’m in. I’m speechless. Speaking of synchronicity."
~ L. Taylor, Soulsign subscriber


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"I know that our students got a lot from their consults with you and also from the pioneering work you are doing on the planetary cycles. Thank you again for all that you do Adam. It is inspiring, relevant and good astrology!"
~ Andrew S.


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"The trajectory we spoke about on my call is already coming true in a variety of ways. I am grateful for the recent reading and I know as I continue to refer to it, your guidance will be super valuable, as always."
~ Analesa Berg


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam....that was amazing! I know it sounds ridiculous, but it finally became obvious that we're talking about real moving bodies affecting us, which I knew of course, but I finally got it!"
~ Marjorie F., Montreal, Canada


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"I just wanted to say thank you for a reading you did for me ten years ago. I have embarked on my own business now and I realised listening to your reading recently that I'm enacting what I was/am afraid to do but needed to do, so thank you for being accurate and planting seeds."
~ Constance 


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

I bought your Chiron recording and loved it... It's the best depth and description of Chiron I have heard in a while... and very complete....also I loved your Venus book... I had studied with others but loved the space you are teaching from. Thank you for bringing this work out... and look forward to learning more with you!
~ Leonor M.


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"I've been re-listening to the astrology session we had about 3 years ago. It was golden, so many helpful nuggets. In it you informed me about my nodal opposition which is approaching this September. I just wanted to say thank you. The clarity you brought is helping me to navigate and plan for this transit which I am beginning to feel already."

~ Ryan.S. 

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The Open Heart Experience:

Heart & Shadow Sessions

Heart & Shadow sessions are held in a vast and very tangible field of Love without agenda.

If you want to begin a deeper commitment to self-honesty, self-loving, self-responsibility, and living from Heart rooted in your innate power, rather than your history, these sessions might be for you.

Heart & Shadow sessions are rooted in the perennial truth that we are both temporal and eternal. What we mean by ‘heart’ is the wellspring of our Wisdom and unconditioned Love, our essential nature. And ‘shadow’ invokes the nucleus of our evolutionary purpose in life, the innate power inside of who you are meant to become and what you are meant to contribute to the unfolding, awakening universe.

Your heart recognizes this field, producing a near-immediate relaxation of your nervous system. In these sessions, we don’t give in to emotional and psychological processing — we give in to ourselves as Love so that processing becomes completely free to move and self-liberate. Subconsciously controlling and manipulating becomes replaced by your own innate wisdom and kindness, at your natural pace.

Over time you develop an unshakeable intimacy and honesty with yourself, with others and with life, replacing habituated behaviors and self-images with your endogenous Love, wisdom, power, spaciousness, creativity and authentic passion.

Noted side-effects: increased curiosity, patience, wonder, enthusiasm, resilience, spontaneity and tendency to not take oneself seriously.

Adam’s gift of facilitating others in these deep spaces results from his own profound commitment to living from one’s Heart. His kindness and skill are unmistakable.   More about the Open Heart Experience>


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"I wanted to express my deep gratitude to Adam about the session we had on Thursday and that I was invited to attend yesterday's wonderful workshop. Both gave me confidence and showed a way to feeling safe and allowing my heart to open and it was an overwhelming experience for me how quickly I can be in such a loving and kind space and to feel so much trust and beauty. For me this is so amazing because, frankly, six years ago I could barely feel my physical heart and now I had a glimpse of how it feels when my whole upper body - before my very active mind starts again:-)- is gently vibrating leaving me calm and centered. I think this focus and experience with Adam is probably the most empowering angle to tackle ones’ life I have come across so far. So I am very thankful and excited about what is still to come."
~ M.K.


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"I just had another door open and I am floored by what it is like to live with the simple truth of knowing what I have always been, always will be and am ever returning to and as, Boundless Love. Thank you for this practice... I feel so infinitely touched and privileged to be having this 28. I have no idea what a lifetime of living with this intimate knowing will be like."
~ Caity R.


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"I love the experience of getting more and more honest with myself. More honest with 'what I want', 'what I don't presently want', 'what I haven't wanted to know' and 'what I'm starting to want to know'. Thank you for being a human who can facilitate other humans into this deep KNOWING that is available to all of us, if and when we want it."
~ Emily K.


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"As others were sharing I could feel their openness and raw truth. I could feel it call to me and something started to weave within me, through me and with the other. The experience touched me in a way I haven’t experienced before in a group setting. I’ve had deep meditation experiences or felt like I’ve expanded out to touch the universe in large and small groups. But to be fully present in my body, to not go anywhere energetically, and have that unlocking take place was unique and treasured. Going through the harder feelings and truth I have, what challenges me the most, and then feeling it transform into joy.. It’s a gift. A very beautiful and rare gift. Writing it out like this doesn’t really do it justice. "
~ Amaali N.


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"To come into Adam's orbit is a gift and an opportunity. I am so grateful I seized on it. Adam himself is a brilliant gift, teaching the most profound work I've found." 
~ Kelly G, Brooklyn, NY.


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"I feel you are making entire bodies of work completely obsolete and changing the healing work into instant transmutational quarks of sort....profound. And timely for this turning of the time, this 60,000 year cycle, the return of the Light. As we heal in quantum moments, so many will be available for life...and the changes that come with that."
~ Sarah Hawk


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"I'm so grateful for your teaching and transmission today. I really feel the Blessing in my body and heart. I honestly don't have words for it. Thank you for continuing to show up to your own Human experience and sharing with us. Your courage, wisdom and vulnerability is a gift. "
~ Trismegista Taylor

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breath of the soul

Breath of the Soul events, workshops & trainings are gentle experiences of opening into and embracing how big your essential self really is. Some of Adam’s clients compare their experience of Breath of the Soul to some of the deepest meditations of their lives. Others describe them as a deceptively simple technique of accessing their own powerful intuitive knowing.

The “technology” at the heart of the Breath of the Soul experience is a union of teachings from West and East. The hallmark of this alchemy is the absence of dogma or quest to change or fix something inside us. Simply dropping into our deeper Self as the container for our next evolutionary growth is all that’s required.

Adam first guides you to become aware of your center, to the place in your body you feel most stable and present. Using a few simple, gentle breaths, you then link your center to the spaces around your body.

The BOS isn’t pranayama, with its rigorous attention to and techniques of inhalation and exhalation. The BOS is much more a practice of prananiyama, or the “unconstraining of the life force.” Awareness becomes fused with body-sense, significantly increasing what’s possible safely. 


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Hi Adam, I wanted to share about a client that I use BOS with. She was sexually abused, raped, as a child. A young lady. When I met her she was not one ounce in her body. BOS has done magic. It helps her ground and feel what she is feeling."
~ Elena Salazar


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"[I realized] the profound effects of the Breath of the Soul when I fully applied myself to the instruction. It is ‘deceptively’ simple! In combination with the Open Heart work, Breath of the Soul has blown open a whole other dimension for me in my own process as well as my work. And makes all the difference in how I experience what I call “Reality” today."
~ Richard Bock, Conscious Connected Breath Facilitator of the Quantum Light Breath 


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"This is my FAVORITE meditation/breath work and have done this on my own many times."
~ Mary Wolos


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"The Breath of the Soul training is so beautiful and I am so appreciative to be a part of it! This work perfectly, affirmatively, and seamlessly fits into what I am currently doing in my own teaching/learning/living/experiencing. I am so thankful!!"
~ Amy J., Minneapolis


"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“

~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Adam Gainsburg’s work is an alchemy of intelligence and imagination that opens a brilliant pathway to take astrology from a cerebral, psychological study, more deeply into the full art of being human. As an astrologer, discovering Adam Gainsburg’s work was a bit like discovering a new wing in my well-loved house. I believe he has created a new mythology of Venus.“
~ Mary Plumb, Book Editor, The Mountain Astrologer.

"Just watched Adam Gainsburg's excellent New Moon/Solar Eclipse video and I love the information and insights. The most amazing part for me is the Breath of Soul Meditation at the end. So powerful!!! Thank you, Adam."
~ Lynn Carroll-Rivera

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