A looooong overdue post here. Thanks to everyone who’s been writing to ask about my blog (or lack thereof) since August! And welcome to the new subscribs…hope i don’t bore you too much.

GREAT news:  for the first time, my 7-year and running research, writing, and teaching on the Mars and Venus cycles has been exposed to the worldwide astrological community. Check it out on The Mountain Astrologer’s blog site. It’s a piece on the Venus Journey in January…pretty amazing stuff if we consider that she’ll be ‘dying’ – radically transforming down and inward – while Mars will be ‘dying’ – or radically transcending up and outward. Equally terrifying experiences from both sides of our inner feminine-masculine fence. From the piece: “With Mars highest, brightest and visibly reddest, and Venus invisible behind the Sun, it’s time to devote to our deepest desires (red Mars) which emanate from our deepest heart (invisible Venus)”