Adam’s Blog

Announcements, insights and wonderings from Soulsign founder, Adam Gainsburg. Feb 13 2009 As an astrologer who has actively, and quite succesfully, avoided astrological columns based exclusively on the Sun or Moon – both writing them and reading them – I...

On the verge of this site’s re-launch….1-27-09

Getting to this point has been a collaborative effort over many months. The folks at have been instrumental in organizing, designing and implementing how to re-coordinate all the Soulsign spheres into a new web site, store, blog, training forum and much...

Mars Journeys

Maybe I’ve been working with the Mars Journey too long – though I’m not sure such a thing is possible in this Goddess-infused universe, but…..may i suggest visitors to this blog NOT MISS the upcoming Jan 31 – this Saturday – Mars...