This one is just too rich not to comment on:

The Eros Parallax Project runs from January 28 to February 3…. Using the data submitted by all participants, the distance to Eros will be calculated.”

You heard it here first – 5 billion people are coordinating to measure their (personal? genital? orgasm?) distance to an erotic experience !

Actually, that’s not true. But if you and I were enjoying a cup of something together right now, there’d be a long string of jokes over this event that would be flowing out of my mouth.

Eros is in fact an asteroid and there’s an effort by an astronomer to measure our distance to Eros as it passes its perigee, it’s closest distance to the Earth.  But the real mission behind this is to measure with precision the size of our solar system. All the information and explanations are here if you’re interested.

But how wonderfully absurd is the human species that we can organize ourselves around our Eros to perform exclusively left-brain tasks? or, How sad that we still don’t know how large and how erotic we are?

You’ll want to check out other astrologers’ posts about this event. For me, I’m full-heart-in on the new book (yay!) which has changed. No longer on the Mars and Venus, this one will be exclusively on Venus. I’m thinking for a title about:   Your Deeper, Richer, Higher Venus:  Astrology’s True Map of the Feminine     or something like that. What do you feel? Would love to hear your ideas. Leave a comment below…