The Soul’s Desire 2009 Archives


Thu, Jan 22 – Venus conjunct Uranus – See Deep Feminine below.

Sat, Jan 24 – Mars trine Saturn – Our 12/15 confrontation now puts legs underneath us to act on the new space created for enthusiasm-inspired envisioning or planning.

Tues, Jan 27 – Mars conjunct Mercury – 23 – On the surface a short-lived aspect, but in the Mars Journey, a significant player in the overall scheme of all things Masculine! The conjunction so close to the Birth moment brings high promise for a collective increase of awareness of how the world really works. Mercury dashes from this to that to that to this detail about what’s happening around us. Their conjunction in the sign of this Journey – Capricorn – overlays a mercurial energy to the first sighting of Mars in this Journey. This translates to a 26-month developmental cycle which will demand not only that we take charge of the creation of our reality (Capricorn Journey) to be more than merely satisfying worldly comfort needs, but increasing our cognitive abilities to discern the truth, take a larger view and balance response-ability with appropriate knowledge.

Our Deep Feminine through December 2008 & January 2009

In December, Lady Venus makes conjunction to Jupiter (12/1), the North Lunar Node (12/16), Chiron (12/23) and Neptune (12/27). All this occurs within the cycle of Her Embodiment of Authority on 12/1 when she conjuncts Moon in Capricorn. Feminine Authority is the autonomy of our bodies, emotional experience and the Divine right to move in and with our autonomous Light. “Light” here means that which can shine and can be seen and known. It is our life force, our uniqueness, our passions. With each of Her four important conjunctions occurring within this context, December will prove to be a time of challenging us to authorize and authenticate our experience on our own terms. Feminine Authority is the Wisdom of Shining Our Light and Flowing In Love. This applies to ANY form of how we are moved to dance through our day, in our relationships or toward our dharma.

Take note that New Year’s Eve day will see Venus and Moon conjunct in Aquarius, marking the end of the Queen’s Ascent Phase and the ingress of Her Wholeness Phase.

January thus begins with Feminine Wholeness. Wholeness in the Venus Journey means our collective Feminine has successfully reconstituted her Body in the form of our collectively greater awareness of our Inner Feminine. This expresses in the forms relevant to the Journey’s intent, which currently is Leo. Thus, look for any signs that self-love, creativity, playfulness, regality, leaps of faith and family building are in the works for you through January. If so, you’ll know the Goddess has chosen YOU to experience herself as Whole in some specific way.

On or just around the 22nd (Thursday), something unexpected may be thrown your way. No, there was nothing you should have or could have done differently to avoid or enhance what appears. Just make sure that on New Year’s Eve day, when Lady Venus and Grandmother Moon meet up in Aquarius, you set your intent for how your vision may be enhanced by a release of fear, contracted thinking, or dysfunctional partnerships. This intention setting then will show results on the 22nd.

Our Deep Masculine through December 2008 & January 2009

A vibrant, red and full-blooded W E L C O M E ! into this new Journey of the Masculine! December 5 marks the exact conjunction of Mars with the Sun, the inception of the entire Journey. Known as the Self-Conception Phase, this is the beginning of the beginning of our collective masculine development. Just as you began at a conceiving, so does our collective masculine. For when Mars and the Sun are together, human consciousness is collectively deciding on just what is potential growths can be in the coming 25-26 month growth cycle.

The Self-Conception Phase is an unusual time because there is nothing we can point our fingers to that can be linked with the Phase’s unique qualities. Why is this? It is simply because the 4-6 day Phase is literally a time of gathering etheric resources to properly gestate toward eventual Birth. If this sounds similar to the way each one of us entered physical life, it is. We are conceived yet that zygote is not us. We gestate, developing all biological and psychological structures, yet we are equally not the fetus going through constant change in the womb. What we are, what others can point to and know as us, is who we are at birth. Certainly, astrologers for millennia have practiced their craft on this simple assumption.

Let’s apply this to what the Mars Journey signifies: the collective masculine element within human consciousness. While the Self-Conception phase occurs ‘in the sky’ in a sign and particular degree, that sign’s energy and degree is not what we as members of the human race can point to and confidently label as our masculine intent in the coming Journey. This is because it’s happening before Birth. For this, we need the position of Mars at his Birth Phase. Once again, same as the human conception/gestation/birth process. This next Journey thus is leading toward a Capricorn Masculine Birth or overall intention for the entire Journey.

For the time being, December will see us in an apparently ‘dormant’ phase of typically masculine activity. Take for example, the ‘lame-duck’ period in between outgoing and incoming U.S. presidents. These two do NOT always align, since Mars Journeys are not synchronous with our solar year. When they do, what we are witnessing in the worldwide symbolic image of a much-despised president leaving office is the dissolving of the former image of the masculine we have collectively created/chosen. With the new presidency entering on a platform of Change, we have the entry of the new masculine.

For December then, be willing to review the last 26 months of your choices related to your inner masculine and set your own New Masculine’s resolutions (a light take-off from the popular New Year’s resolutions).

Then in January, the Gestation Phase commences to literally grow them within and through us. During Gestation it is easy to clarify or alter your resolutions because the collective gestational energy is entirely fertile – whatever we place our minds on – even subconsciously – will gestate and arise in form/awareness at or after Birth. Remember too that this is the gestation process of the masculine within you/us; it is not generic gestation which might otherwise be applied to anything. Masculine gestation processes are naturally concerned with direction and drive. Yes, this can be taken to remind us that gestation is strongly directed to prepare for and complete at birth. But more specifically, gestation of the masculine principle is responsible for those subtle, collective preparations for how the soon-to-be masculine expression – here, Capricorn – will direct itself once birthed into form. Capricorn directionality is pragmatic, efficient, group-minded, and generally incorporates much if not all of an entire process into step-by-step plans. So Capricorn moves in order to effect a successful group effort. Its quality of moving forward (directionality) is therefore also serious and expectant that individuals serve the group rules. Therefore we can surmise that the latter part of December and January will see the plans you’ve made for the foreseeable future requiring (demanding?) of you consistent, sometimes difficult choices to be made if, as a Capricorn friend likes to say, “You want to push the rock forward.” It will be a very strong time for the building of character, for trusting what you are knowing rather than what you are seeing on the surface, and being willing to stand behind that knowing. Remember that we are collectively planting our intentions now for the next 24+ months of our masculine development!

Adam Gainsburg is the founder of Soulsign Astrology. He maintains an active counseling and healing private practice outside Annapolis, Maryland in the US. He is an author, sound healer and originator of what may be the first meditation form derived exclusively from the astrological mysteries, known as Breath of the Soul. His upcoming book, Bridges of Union, will focus on his six years of research and study into the Mars and Venus synodic cycles (2009).

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Mon, Jan 13 – Venus enters Wholeness Phase – In many ways the developmental culmination of the entire Journey, the Wholeness Phase signifies a time of Feminine effulgence, radiance and maximum power, beauty and wisdom. Look for prominent women making headlines, but more importantly, what women in your life are making their marks in your heart, mind and body with their natural grace? What do they seem to be inviting you to embody more of in yourself?

Thurs, Jan 30– Venus conjunct Moon in Pisces – Allow your feminine knowing to show you -through your feeling-knowing – just what oneness or unity consciousness can be now for you. Trust that allowing of the energies present in your life are messaging a richer experience of the vast community of intelligences you live among. Relish the diversity of oneness.


Sat, Jan 31 – Mars begins Birth Phase – Today marks the first visible sighting of Mars in this, his new Capricorn Journey. This is a fertile day to set your intentions for the coming 2 years of your Sacred Masculine. What’s the character of your relationship with Him (that part of you) today? What would you like it to be tomorrow? What risks are you willing to take so that He can become more known to you? How are you not being responsible to your very life purpose? What new insights, directions, and meanings are waiting for you if your connection were to improve significantly? If He represents a whole one-half of your consciousness, what wouldn’t you do to ensure the relationship is open, radically honest and big enough to allow for your purpose to be realized?


Wed, Feb 4 – Mars enters Aquarius – Just after beginning His Explorations Phase in Capricorn, Mars enters Aquarius today, the first full sign he’ll move through in this phase. Already, He’s telling us that this Journey for a greater Capricornian Masculine will not be what it has been – there may have to be some rather intense trials, some crisis requiring radically new ideas and approaches, or some important message that needs to be delivered to the masses. Are YOU ready to hear your inner Mars and take all appropriate steps?

Mon, Feb 16 -Venus at maximum brightness – This is it, sky watchers! The most illuminated Venus in the entire Journey. Go outside and soak in the precious elixir of her light rays. Make sure to receive them deeply into your body with complete trust and allowing.

Tues, Feb 17 – Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius – Got that far-away-from-home feeling? Finding you’re stretched too thin? Or are you whoopin’ it up knowing that big change is comin’? Whatever the Great Path is asking of you in the way of risks, of trusting the unknown, of moving with (rather than against) the inspired synchronicity in your life now, there’s really only one response from any conscious Soul: “Yes!”

Fri, Feb 27 – Venus conjunct Moon in Aries – Today marks the final Moon conjunction during Venus’ direct motion. The Journey is swiftly coming to a close and this conjunction in Aries is the catalyst for the subsequent Crone Phase to begin with swiftness, directness and purpose.

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About the Author: Adam Gainsburg is the founder of Soulsign Astrology. He maintains an active counseling and healing private practice outside Annapolis, Maryland in the US. He is an author, sound healer and originator of what may be the first meditation form derived exclusively from the astrological mysteries, known as Breath of the Soul. His upcoming book, Bridges of Union, will focus on his six years of research and study into the Mars and Venus synodic cycles (2009).

Posted by admin on February 1, 2009 at 9:51 am under planner.
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Thu, Apr 2-16 –Venus enters Birth & Adolescence Phases Welcome to the most courageous, risk-taking and battling astrological facet of our Inner Sacred Feminine: The Aries Goddess. Today marks the visible beginning of the entire 19 month Journey of this Goddess through collective humanity. Each Venus Birth is the first visible appearance of Venus since the completion of the last Journey. Here we can see her low over the eastern sky, just before sunrise. Feminine “birth” or conversely, the Birth of our feminine, is a self-birthing since it is the Feminine domain which gives form to everything we can possibly imagine…and quite a bit more than that! As Venus progresses quickly out of the Birth phase and into Adolescence – moving very quickly here in our skies gaining tremendous height in our skies each successive morning – be in touch with your own inner feminine – what are you now ready to allow space for in your life, your body, your heart?

Wed, Apr 15 – Mars conj Uranus in Pisces within Explorations – Now in his Explorations Phase, the longest period of His 26-month cycle, the Capricorn God (Divine Masculine principle) is gaining tremendous amounts of experience for the journey ahead. As with all things Capricorn, He is taking his time, being sure to make everything work and stay in the bounds of what is attainable, pragmatic, and level-headed. If this kind of approach leaves you feeling bored or agitated, perhaps there is something more here, under the surface, for you. As with all things Capricorn, there are two sides to consider – the outer, responsible realism and the inner, a-rational urge to release the stored thoughts, feelings and desires. The Explorations Phase continues through mid-October, so there is ample time for each of us to forge a new, better understanding of an appropriate balance between these two faces of our inner Masculine. Keep in mind the Explorations dynamic is true for everyone no matter the sign of your natal Mars, or its house position or its aspects on your birth chart. It is one of 13 unique ways the masculinity within you can move through you and in the world.

With Mars’ conjunction to Uranus today in tropical Pisces, it shouldn’t surprise if you find yourself suddenly enmeshed in someone else’ space – in any way you want to define ‘space’. Mars + Uranus is a combination for truly groundbreaking and possibly neck-breaking! adventure, innovation and way-showing. Exciting, totally unexpected, and real potential for going out of control. In Pisces, the pair are saying to avoid water when in a lightning storm or handling things electrical! Take this both literally and figuratively please…. Look after yourself that you maintain some sense of limits, even if for you that means keeping only an occasional eye on the speedometer as you push past the speed of sound. I will also add that this conjunction in Venus’ sign of exaltation portends His meetup with Lady Venus 6 days hence……

Fri, Apr 17 – Venus enters Maturation Phase, Stations Direct – The final phase of Venus’ morning-sky quick ascent to max sky height, Maturation is when we first begin to taste the unique characteristics and flavor of the energy of this still-new Goddess (Aries). The top story in the Venus Journey from today through mid-June is the succession of astronomical extremes Venus reaches during the Maturation Phase. Today’s is Her turning around to resume forward movement, known as her Direct Station. Here the Queen of Heaven (Venus as pure Feminine principle, not fully actualized in the world of form yet) “gathers herself to face the Journey ahead.” In resuming forward direction, Venus is coming present to the reason for her ‘incarnation’ (appearing for the first time in the Birth Phase) and gathering those aspects of Herself which she has come into direct contact with since Birth and Adolescence Phases (excerpted from The Venus Calendar, available at

Tue, Apr 21 – Venus conjuncts Mars (Inner Marriage) – The meeting of Venus and Mars is celestial lovemaking in action. Venus as essential feminine principle and Mars as essential masculine principle create the strongest primordial polarity of initially countering urges. Where Venus wants to take in, include and embrace, Mars wants to break out, exclude and singularize. When they conjunct in the sky, we have a celestial homologue or identical representation in the sky of the human psycho-sexual wiring within each of us. This pair is innately and intensely erotic, possibly agitating and even overwhelming. They can and do bring up in us the ways we are preventing our own inner union. I have worked with many hundreds of women, men and couples who have discovered surprising suppressions and/or rejections of the very thing they so longed for: inner union of self with Self. For example, a woman’s strong anger at men had been stored within the domain of her that was her Inner Feminine. Or a man’s anger at women had kept him avoiding any real intimacy by subconsciously attracting women who tried to control much of his life. Or a couple who shared a deep-seeded fear of releasing themselves into their full passion with each other.

This conjunction will happen in the very last degree of Pisces, just before they both enter the blasting, raw energy of 0 Aries or the Aries Point as it’s known in astrology – the March Equinox point (Mars on 4/22, Venus on 4/24). This complex signature feels to signify a cosmic-level fertility – where higher aspects of ourselves can and will merge with others of us not usually part of the dating scene! It certainly can also form as a physical partner showing up. The important part here – no, the part – is to recognize that It Is Time to Merge with that part of our own Inner Marriage showing up now. crucial

Fri, Apr 24 – Venus achieves maximum brightness – The second celestial event constituting Venus’ Maturation process, max brightness “radiates the light of her feminine essence into the universes of light and sound.” Here you cannot miss Venus if you are looking east before sunrise. She dominates that part of the sky with visible beams of light around a super-bright center. Metaphysically, feminine brightness in this area of the journey signifies a radiating, an announcing, a commanding of attention. By her morning-sky full-lightedness, she is heralding the world to take notice that the Goddess is present, and is filled with her own light. For us mortals, it’s a wonderful time for re-membering, re-devoting, re-vealing and re-stating the crucial importance of shining the light of our awareness on our Deep Feminine, giving Her voice to say what She is knowing, and honoring her ability to command her life the way she deems best.

Wed, May 20 – Venus exits Rx Shadow – Back on March 6, Venus stationed retrograde signaling the beginning of the end of the then Leo Journey. Each 19 months, Venus will station like this and will continue retrograding to end her current journey and begin the next, now Aries. This astronomical factoid is filled with much meaning and insight into the Deep Feminine itself and will be one of many subjects explored in my upcoming book, Bridges of Union (2010).

Retrogradation from the feminine point of view is an altogether natural dynamic for it moves us further into ourselves, halting any untoward action we may not be ready for. As the Deep Feminine is the terrain of our feeling interior, retrogradation is the path to it.

Today thus marks Venus’ passing the zodiacal degree at which she stationed in March (15 Aries). The ‘shadow’ period of a planet is the amount of time it takes a planet to leave the degree of its prior station in its direct motion. In one sense, now that Venus has completed her full Rx period, She is fully committed to her current Journey of Aries. She is leaving behind the memory of what caused her to turn backward, the challenges she faced and the lessons/insights she gained in the process. Venus is asking us….

“What are YOU ready to fully commit to which the

last 2½ months have pointed out needs your full energy?”

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About the Author: Adam Gainsburg is the founder of Soulsign Astrology. He maintains an active counseling and healing private practice outside Annapolis, Maryland in the US. He is an author, sound healer and originator of what may be the first meditation form derived exclusively from the astrological mysteries, known as Breath of the Soul ( His upcoming book, Bridges of Union, will focus on his six years of research and study into the Mars and Venus synodic cycles (2009).

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Wed, May 20 – Venus exits Rx Shadow – Back on March 6, Venus stationed retrograde signaling the beginning of the end of the then Leo Journey. Each 19 months, Venus will station like this and will continue retrograding to end her current journey and begin the next, now Aries. This astronomical factoid is filled with much meaning and insight into the Deep Feminine itself and will be one of many subjects explored in my upcoming book, Bridges of Union (2010).

Retrogradation from the feminine point of view is an altogether natural dynamic for it moves us further into ourselves, halting any untoward action we may not be ready for. As the Deep Feminine is the terrain of our feeling interior, retrogradation is the path to it.

Today thus marks Venus’ passing the zodiacal degree at which she stationed in March (15 Aries). The ‘shadow’ period of a planet is the amount of time it takes a planet to leave the degree of its prior station in its direct motion. In one sense, now that Venus has completed her full Rx period, She is fully committed to her current Journey of Aries. She is leaving behind the memory of what caused her to turn backward, the challenges she faced and the lessons/insights she gained in the process. Venus is asking us….

“What are YOU ready to fully commit to which the

last 2½ months have pointed out needs your full energy?”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

About the Author: Adam Gainsburg is the founder of Soulsign Astrology. He maintains an active counseling and healing private practice outside Annapolis, Maryland in the US. He is an author, sound healer and originator of what may be the first meditation form derived exclusively from the astrological mysteries, known as Breath of the Soul ( His upcoming book, Bridges of Union, will focus on his six years of research and study into the Mars and Venus synodic cycles (2009).

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A new opening is within us now. It is an opening, a process that moves in and takes time. It is not an all-at-once deal. Duality is not the devil, it is not the cause of our pain and fear and anxiety. They source instead in our ignorance. Most of us don’t know how to transition to what is on the other side of our threshold. And we are not to blame for this, no new-age judgments here. The future we are creating both personally and collectively is not created as of yet. We are all – all realms of consciousness – intercreating what is to be…together.

Perhaps the most unique element of this transitional time is the absolute necessity for our personal and group creativity – our “creation-ing” – to play THE major role in how we move forward step by step. When you hear sentiments like, “It’s up to you [to make a difference]” and “What’re YOU gonna do? [about world problems]” remember the simple truth that all this hasn’t been done before. There is no inter-dimensional plan obvious to every ultra-terrestrial, angelic, master, elemental and deva, but not to us blind humans. They are not waiting for us to wake up. They are waiting for us to create up, to go deeper inside ourselves, find the truth of what we are made for and then directly, strongly act and act on those self-discoveries. In short, they (and we ourselves) are waiting for us to create further, higher and with more radiance. In the words of Beatrice Bruteau:

To form a truly New Being, to make another Great Step in evolution, we have to unite the deepest, most central energies of consciousness… No more will the evolutionary forces of nature propel us in their groping way through the next critical point into a new state of Being.

All realms of human endeavor are included in this Grand Intercreative Experiment. No, we won’t find them in the books, lectures and horoscope columns appearing now or in the next few years. These new openings are showing up in preliminary forms in two ways: 1. greater numbers of collaborations and conversations between very different schools and their proponents sharing techniques and ideas; and 2. growing number of astro-practitioners including a growing number of new bodies and new ways of mapping the celestial cycles and time itself. It is a truly pioneering time to be aligning with the inner and outer skies!!Your browser may not support display of this image.

Mars & Venus in June

The two bodies of celestial tantra are involved now in an amazing dance of “I see you / I’m with you / I Am You / See you again soon.” The dance really began in March when Venus entered Aries for the first time. She was retrograde then, preparing for the Journey she’s in now. That Journey – Aries – is of course governed by Mars. This ties them together even closer. Through October 2010, Venus is exploring that aspect of Herself which is Aries. This forces her to increasingly consider, experiment with, discover, adjust, heal, integrate and then manifest the Aries side of her nature.

Venus’ Aries adventures are a precursor to the coming Jupiter in Aries period (June 2010 – 2011). We are assured that the inner work we do from now through then will greatly aid us during that period. How? Our Venus work now will deepen our commitment to our Deep Heart (dharmic devotion) and will help us avoid the tendency to lose our balance amidst over-excited and ungrounded actions (Jupiter in Aries).

So it would seem that this “Venus inner work” is to fully call out and allow ourselves to be called out in our Sacred Feminine. The one to most aptly do the calling here is our Sacred Masculine.

Mars is in Taurus through June and then in Gemini after July 11 in his Explorations Phase, “the longest period in the journey of the Sacred Masculine and appropriately so for it is in Explorations that Mars sets the parameters for his later realization in Transcendence and the scope of his dharmic fulfillment in Service. This is a time to acknowledge beforehand that mistakes will be made here. You are not supposed to know what you are doing….not really. You bring your accumulated experience to each choice presented to you. If there are pockets or large arrays of inexperience there, you are in the right place for you are filling into places you have not ‘lived in’ within yourself. These are places and connections and self-awarenesses which can only be made through direct experience.”

So it would seem that this “Mars exploring” is to focus on discovering new ways to live in the physical world! New ways to use our bodies, including new skills involving anything of material substance, such as gardening, craftsmanship, building, massage, etc. (See below the Calendar for a summarization of Venus’ inner work and Mars’ exploring).

Here is a list of the Venus events in these next two months:

June 4 – Venus will reach her maximum distance from the Sun – “The Queen of Heaven achieves full individuality or self-cohesion for/as the New Goddess. In this new, untested fullness of identity (Taurus), knowledge of her evolutionary purpose (Aries) arises from within. Within this knowledge is that of the forthcoming surrendering of vital levels of her identity.”

June – July – Venus and Mars traverse from the Fishes through the Ram and into the Bull of Heaven. – “A fully ripened opportunity for humanity to invoke their enLighted birthright for the future they wish to create. Take action based only on what your most inner knowing tells you, even if that is, Do nothing. Invite the highest, Mother Goddesses to your support at this time – Isis, Sophia, Spider Woman, Parvati/Sati/Uma, etc.”

June 6 – Venus begins the Queen’s Descent of Surrendering & Self-Revelation – “The Queen of Heaven descends toward the Underworld, surrendering essential aspects of her nascent Identity (Aries) to reach her destination. Each surrendering (6-7 in total) dissolves specific spheres/functions of her Self and produces uniquely feminine self-revelations.

June 19 – Venus Surrendering of Stability – “Through Taurus, The Aries Queen discovers the ubiquity of her ‘body’ (universe) and surrenders the stability thereof.”

June 21 – Venus conjuncts Mars – “This 2nd of four conjunctions in this conjunction series will catalyze or continue a re-forming of Form. It may manifest in any number of ways from a congealing of resources or money, a committing to a partner or plan, a final ending of worn-out partnerships, a new level in physical intimacy and/or allowing oneself to go deeper into love with a partner, or a settling into the course you’ve chosen with the inner conviction that you are never again going to be swayed from your truth.

June 24-27, July 20 – Venus and Mars cross Mars’, Venus’ and Mercury’s NorthNodes – “New codes will be downloaded into the higher chakras (above the 7th) in order to ultimately increase the communication between the right and left hemispheres of our brain, or between the interiors and exteriors of our Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine.” A wonderful time for upper chakra meditations, channeling and communications with Archangelic and other Masters.

Mars & Venus in July

June 24-27, July 20 – Venus and Mars cross Mars’, Venus’ and Mercury’s NorthNodes – “New codes will be downloaded into the higher chakras (above the 7th) in order to ultimately increase the communication between the right and left hemispheres of our brain, or between the interiors and exteriors of our Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine.” A wonderful time for upper chakra meditations, channeling and communications with Archangelic and other Masters.

July 19 – Venus Surrendering of Environment –”Through Gemini, the Aries Queen discovers her subjective cognition or mental sense of I, and surrenders the need for familiar environmental references to know herself.”

July 20 – (see June 24-27…)

The Inner Work of Venus and the Exploring of Mars during these months absolutely demand you let go of expectations that you should know what to do! Replace these misplaced judgments with heaps of forgiveness, playfulness, a light touch and certainly no expectations for outcomes. This is a time to ‘get your hands dirty’ with unknown sand (in your sandbox), new ash from new releases and the composting of old fears for richer Heart.

About the Author: Adam Gainsburg is the founder of Soulsign Astrology. He maintains an active counseling and healing private practice outside Annapolis, Maryland in the US. He is an author, sound healer and originator of what may be the first meditation form derived exclusively from the astrological mysteries, known as Breath of the Soul ( His upcoming book, Bridges of Union, will focus on his six years of research and study into the Mars and Venus synodic cycles (2009).

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The Sky of Inner Union

Welcome to The Sky of Inner Union, a monthly exposure of the feminine and masculine intelligent urgings within us through the unique lens of Soulsign Astrology. The Sky is a regular feature of The Soul’s Desire which features longer articles and Soul-focused techniques for igniting your Deep Heart.

Reader’s note:  The terms “feminine” and “masculine” refer to the implicit, underlying principles within all consciousness and creation, rather than to gender. Each woman and man is imbued with both principles as the fundamental framework for their consciousness.

For more information and tools for the Masculine and Feminine becoming embodied within you, visit

In the hearts, minds and bodies of our collective masculine and feminine, October and November will play out as catalytic preparations for the irreversible change that is our lives. The type of change implied by the stellar alignments in the months ahead are not the kind we can go back on. Not the kind to plead ____ (fill in your higher power) for a reversal. They are the types of choices we make each day about what foods to eat, what direction to take and how to respond to difficult situations. We can’t take back what we’ve done and said. But we CAN make different choices from any moment in our lives forward. And with enough practice and awareness, we can dive into our cells – into the somatic timelessness of our beautiful Earth-bodies – and re-script the past…from the inside out or from the now-moment then.

In October, Mars is completing his longest phase, the Explorations Phase. The final days of this Mars Journey’s Explorations Phase (12th through the 20th) manifests the first stirrings of a question in our collective psyche. Those with strong Mars signatures or those with energetic sensitivities in the first 10 degrees of Leo or Aquarius will be at the forefront of these subconscious whispers. Collectively, we will become seeded with internal doubts about the reach of our accomplishments, either because they won’t feel as ‘juicy’ as we had hoped they would, or because we won’t receive the recognition we deserved. Keep in mind that this unmet expectation might have nothing to do with other people; it can also refer to a spiritual juice or recognition in our inner or higher planes. All the more reason to surrender ANY expectations for ANY sort of outcome or feeling owed to you.  This is simply the ego doing its job of keeping you safe by keeping you separate.

In November, Mars will emerge from his Explorations of himself in the world and be confronted by the Crisis-In-Identity Phase. This crisis phase (there is another related phase occurring April-May 2011) will reflect how we are pausing too long in our comfort zone…how we are in fact allowing the fear of taking full responsibility for ourselves to obstruct forward movement toward our goals, our success or our destiny (that which we must do). Make sure not to rest on past success or notoriety. It will be more short-lived than what it looks like now. Make the choice, deeply from within the center of your being, to forever from this point on, to own every nook and cranny of your experience: that it was YOU who got yourself into that situation; that it was YOU who responded in that way; that it was YOU who set it all up just……like…….THIS.

Lady Venus in October has a LOT to remind us in a similar vein as Mars’ Crisis Phase: even the most stable of friendships do not last forever and will change, either this month or into December. What’s happening here is we are being asked to surrender any material-level connections with others – relationships, partnerships, etc. – which impede our galactic-level connections – those with our own higher aspects and related beings within this or other galaxies. From the 15th to the 17th of October, be mindful of your dreams or what new teachers or messages show up for you (especially if you’re a strong Venus-aware Soul in this life).

Then in November, the focus of Venus’ Descent Phase of Surrender & Discovery will be our power (Scorpio), or more specifically, our power to meet, face and overcome direct confrontations to our egoic need for security. The week of Thanksgiving – this author’s most heartfull-est, warm-est and favorit-est American holiday – there will be a, shall we say, conversation of sorts going on within our collective Feminine being. Well, more like a push-pull rope tug in fact. On one side we’ll find ourselves quite tested as to just how much we are able to rely on Life to support and sustain us even if we have no idea how that will materialize or when. And on the other we may find ourselves dipping or being dipped by others into a VERY old story about the absolute incompatibility of our masculine and feminine.

To give flesh this out some, remember first that anyone of the opposite gender is hard-wired differently than you. What motivates them, what makes sense and what does not is simply polarized to the way you are wired. While polarity is the secret ingredient to the BEST relationships, it can also lead to permanent separation. Your partner (same sex relationship included!) is thus expressive of your inner polarity by the simple fact that you’re drawn to them. This Thanksgiving week, what I am suggesting you consider making No. 1 on your What I’m Grateful For This Year list is:

Those aspects, voices and levels of YOUR OWN BEINGNESS which you have not yet found harmony, understanding or even acceptance of. Second of course, would be EVERYONE ELSE who in any way reflects any of those things within you. With this as your Top Two, who needs more than that to ensure an evolutionary Giving of Thanks Day?!

FINAL ADIEU ~ This will be the final installment of The Sky of Inner Union / The Soul’s Desire. It is time to devote my energies to my next book project, Bridges of Union, which will explain and instruct on how to work with your own inner masculine and feminine from both a personal and collective standpoint. A student has called the astrological techniques central to this work, The Astrology of Our Collective Intelligence.

My heart-full gratitude to the Awakenings’ readers for supporting this column. Most importantly, thank you to Jesseca, a truly understanding, warm and kind e-friend.

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About the Author: Adam Gainsburg is the founder of Soulsign Astrology. He maintains an active counseling and healing private practice outside Annapolis, Maryland in the US. He is an author, sound healer and originator of what may be the first meditation form derived exclusively from the astrological mysteries, known as Breath of the Soul ( His upcoming book, Bridges of Union, will focus on his six years of research and study into the Mars and Venus synodic cycles (2010). Visit the web site for a list of reading types, rates and scheduling.

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* Adam’s Blog at https://soularchive.wpengine.comcategory/astrology-blog

Personal Sessions:

Visit the web site to learn more and schedule your Soul Purpose, Masculine-Feminine, or Breath of the Soul personal session.