Mars Venus Learning Resources

“I [now have] a three dimensional understanding of the synodic cycles that touched the core of my being. I felt that by having a glimpse, just a glimpse of the birth and the descending elder stage of Mars and Venus, that my perception of synodic cycles has forever changed. Your work with the Mars Venus synodic cycles is profound.” – Dietrich Pessin, astrologer & author of Lunar-Shadows

Since 2003, Soulsign Astrology’s Mars & Venus work has arien from regular and direct observations of the evening, nighttime and early morning skies and the gradual movement of the planets over time. Rooting ourselves in the real sky is why we believe many astrologers – from a wide array schools and traditions – have found the Mars Venus material resonant with and even at times illuminating to their own.


NEW! Adam’s new book on the Phases of Venus

The first astrology book to present complete descriptions of the Venus Phases loyal to the ancient roots of the astrological tradition yet written for the modern era!




» “Masculinity & Femininity” – A. Gainsburg

» “The Primal Pair & their Dance of Union” – A. Gainsburg

» “The Journey of Mars: the Drive of Desire” – A. Gainsburg

» “Intimacy: the Resolution of Primal Urges” – A. Gainsburg

» “The Mysterious Magic of the Morning Star” – J. Loar

» “Mars, God of War, or Brave Hero of the Sky” – J. Loar

» More Articles »

Extraordinary insights lay waiting for anyone willing to open themselves to their personal communion body, heart and mind with the mysteries of the star-filled sky.


The Soul’s Desire™ Archives

The first of its kind, The Soul’s Desire featured monthly explanations and some predictions based on the synodic cycles of Venus and Mars. TSD gradually developed a small, loyal following of souls who felt Adam’s monthly descriptions of the collective feminine and masculine cycles deeply supported them to live in more alignment and understand themselves better.

Each month charted new territory as the tantric planets constantly change their relationship to one another, causing humanity to learn about every nuance of our own masculine~feminine wiring. In the process, we discovered a new light of awareness and a deeper ground of our being.

We’re proud to host all the TSD back-issues here:     2009 |   2008 |   2007

In addition, many of the special articles written for it and other journals can be read or downloaded for free here »


Venus Mars Calendars™

The Mars & Venus Calendars are unlike anything else in astrology today. They are the complete reference for the living cycles of Mars and Venus. Expanding into astronomical considerations, they breathe life into the natural rhythms which Mars and Venus create in our world and within ourselves.  

Click to view full size


Mars & Venus Audio Course

The world’s first and most comprehensive marriage of ancient sky science and contemporary psycho-spiritual wisdom…in one place!  The course gives you a complete system for unveiling and empowering your deepest union of the masculine and feminine energies within you, with all the imagination and precision of the birth chart.  Select individual classes, the entire series or create your own set of single audio classes. Learn more here →


Synodic Cycles of Venus & Mars Slideshow »



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