“…in the way of Love”

Gifted spiritual counselor and psychic, Tony Leroy, recently sent this out. I feel it’s such a clear elucidation of a perspective we almost never take: we are the instruments of Life’s love for itself, and not the other way around. Tony’s site is...

Cardinal T-Square & Essences

I was recently interviewed in a podcast about the upcoming (Summer) cardinal T-square of Uranus, Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter and the vibrational essences we sell here. Should be up on the Vibration Magazine site soon. Find it on their blog page ->.

Venus’ Strange ReBirth

If you were a part of the most recent Mars Venus Meditation which generated more responses – calls and emails – than any other in recent memory, this wee post will be something in addition to the info shared there. If you weren’t…well, you...

Back from Boston

The national astrology conference (NCGR, for National Council for Geocosmic Research) in Boston was  big success. My definition of success, here, not the organizers, though i’m sure they’d check the same box but for different reasons. Success, to me,...